Wednesday 22 May 2013

Mystery Plant

Kenneth Cameron was in West Ardnamurchan last weekend, and writes, "Whilst out walking I saw this small plant at the side of Lochan Aodainn (to the rear of the Sonachan Hotel).

"I'm not a plant person at all but as a follower of the blog thought it might be of interst to you.

"The whole plant in the picture measured no more than inch across by about and inch or so tall. It was the only one I could see. It was about 6 feet from the waters edge amongst the heather and grass."

Many thanks for the photo, Kenneth, and yes, the Diary is very interested, but really doesn't know what it is.  Can anyone help?


  1. A pretty plant with a not so pretty name. Marsh Lousewort. (Pedicularis palustris) Partially parasitic on other plants. Common name derives from being thought (in error) to encourage lice etc. Quite common around here, but only just starting to flower this year. Rob@Geosec

  2. It looks like Lousewort, Pedicularis sylvatica, typically shorter than the annual marsh lousewort and it is usually a perennial plant. Very pretty!

  3. Can you beleive I took a picture of the very same plant but at the RSPB reserve on the same day.

    The Raptor
