Saturday, 31 July 2010
Morven and Alasdair's new son has been named Cailean. He's a fit, healthy and active young man, particularly in the middle of night.
The Dangerous and the Beautiful

Mink, the descendants of animals which either escaped or were release from mink farms back in the 1990s, are a plague here. Their numbers seem to fluctuate - there were many more a few years ago - but they seem to be making a comeback, with a vengeance.
This one was caught by Alasdair MacLachlan on his croft at Achnaha. Before being trapped, it had killed 11 chickens and 10 pheasant chicks. It had dragged the pheasants out through a small hole in the wire but the dead chickens were left scattered around the run. No sooner was it removed than another appeared, also a male, but it killed only one chicken before it was dealt with.

Along with the picture of the mink, Alasdair sent me this one, of an Achnaha adder. Like the mink, the adders seem to come and go, but this is a boom year for them. It's not a very clear picture - but then, I don't suppose Alasdair was too keen to get close.
An adders bite may seem little more than a sting for most people, but their venom can be much more dangerous for children and people with heart conditions. Although there is an effective anti-venom, the results of an adder bite can be nasty, so medical help should always be sought. Link here.
And I'm grateful to Ricky Clark for a photograph which should cheer us up - of the clouds clearing to give a beautiful Kilchoan sunset.
Friday, 30 July 2010
Two Busy Weekends
Sonafest 2010 is a weekend of live music at The Sonachan Hotel, starting this Saturday at 8pm, with performances from Skerryvore, Gunna Sound and Trail West. Sunday is Family Day, with a farmers' market, stalls, bucking bronco, clairvoyant, BBQ, balloon race and, from 1.00pm, more live music from Trail West and Gunna Sound. Tickets £12 from or phone 01972 510 211.
Next weekend is the West Adnamurchan Regatta, starting on Thursday 5th August at 11.00am with the Ellan Vannin Wind Surfing and Sailing Race. The main events take place on Friday 6th August, with briefings at 8.30am and the first race at 10.00am. Then, in the evening, the Regatta Committee is running a licensed dance featuring Gunna Sound, in Kilchoan Community Centre, starting at 8.00pm.
Thursday, 29 July 2010
Happy News
Morven and Alastair have had a baby son, born yesterday at 4pm at Raigmore Hospital. Mother and baby are fine, and are due to return to Kilchoan today.
Sad News
From Frances McKean

It is with great sadness that I send news to you all that Alison Campbell, formerly of Achnashie, has passed away peacefully on Tuesday 27th July after a short illness, bravely borne, with her family at her side. I know that the time she spent in Kilchoan after she had moved away, she loved so much.
She is survived by her husband Joseph, daughters Frances, Eleanor and Kathleen, and 5 grandchildren.
Her funeral will be held on Monday 2nd August at St Columba's RC Church, Viewpark, and afterwards at Bothwellpark Cemetery.
She is survived by her husband Joseph, daughters Frances, Eleanor and Kathleen, and 5 grandchildren.
Her funeral will be held on Monday 2nd August at St Columba's RC Church, Viewpark, and afterwards at Bothwellpark Cemetery.
Floating Fiends
by Rachael Haylett

Everyone has phobias, and one of my biggest has been jellyfish, ever since I first moved to Ardnamurchan.
The waters around Kilchoan seem to contain two main species of jellyfish over the summer months. The most common are Aurelia aurita, or moon jellyfish, which are clear with purple rings. These are the jellyfish which one might well see held in children's hands as they run around Sanna beach, because they do not sting humans.
Unfortunately Ardnamurchan waters also contain jellyfish which can have quite a nasty sting. Commonly known as Lion's Mane, (Cyanea capillata), these jellyfish can grow to quite a size in the colder and deeper waters around the peninsular. They can be recognised by their deep orange colour, and should be avoided.
As the tourist season hots up in Ardnamurchan, it's worth knowing how best to treat a jellyfish sting should an accident occur. If nothing is available to you, then soaking in sea water helps. Coating the wound with vinegar is recommended, alongside the careful removal of the tentacles from the stung area. On no account rub the sting - that just bursts the nematocysts - and do not apply ice or hot water. If possible, one should gently apply baking soda or shaving cream and shave with a razor or credit card - this prevents the release of more toxins. Then reapply the vinegar. More detailed information can be found here.
However, it is worth remembering that we are lucky that our waters do not contain much more dangerous floating fiends. On my parents' recent visit to Bermuda they found loads of Portugese Man of War jellyfish washed up on the beaches. A sting from one of these could lead to a visit to a local hospital. So there's one reason why the cold Scottish waters aren't so bad.
Photo of Aurelia aurita (top) courtesy of 'Sheriff of Nothing' on Flickr
Wednesday, 28 July 2010
A Burst of Agricultural Activity

The students dealt with venison and lamb carcasses provided by the Estate, and....

Many thanks to Pat Glenday for pictures and story.
local business
Tuesday, 27 July 2010
1,001 Uses for a Horse
Pied wagtails are one of our earliest spring returnees from their annual migration. Unlike the swallows and martins, they don't go far - to England or, possibly, France - so we often have them back, as we did this year, before the winter has fully left us.
They're aggressive little birds, seeing off members of other species and quite unfazed by our cats. Talking of being seen off....
Trevor also runs a Study Centre at the camp site where, last Saturday, he hosted a talk about Antarctic krill given by his Argentinian friends, Rodolfo Werner and his wife Virginia, who are experts on the subject. A super evening.
Monday, 26 July 2010
Kilchoan Kayakers' First 2010 Outing
It turned out to be a perfect evening with a light breeze and plenty of sunshine. We started off with a quick cruise around Glas Eilean point where we mingled with the seals and enjoyed the beautiful views of Kilchoan from the sea. Going back into the breeze required a little more effort.
After returning to the jetty we practiced a few rescue moves, helping swimmers back into a boat, righting a boat with the help of another kayak and getting back into a boat unaided - all useful skills and best practiced in the sheltered waters with plenty of helpers around if needed.
Future meetings have been moved to Wednesday at 6pm to avoid clashing with the fire service training.
If you are interested in joining us please email No experience required and we can provide kit with enough notice.
Geoff Campbell
Sunday, 25 July 2010
Jaws off Ardnamurchan Point

These fantastic photos were taken by Eilidh Dewar who works at the Lighthouse. She ran to the top of the Lighthouse - up 152 steps and two steel ladders - to take them.
Davie Ferguson, who manages the Lighthouse Visitors' Centre, said, "It's a great year for basking sharks. We've seen as many as nine at one time swimming off the Point, and we watch seals, sea otters and minke whales regularly."
The Lighthouse website is here.
Many thanks to Eilidh and Davie for pictures and story.
Saturday, 24 July 2010
A Great Day at the Show
A huge number of people were involved in making the day such a success. Congratulations to the organisers, who had the courage to make changes which, in the event, greatly enhanced everyone's enjoyment.
Many thanks to Tom Bryson for some of the photos.
Friday, 23 July 2010
Wild Atlantic Salmon

Dochie Cameron has been catching salmon off Ardnamurchan for more decades than he cares to remember. As a young man he worked for Fascadale Fisheries, whose boats went out from Fascadale Bay and Kilchoan slipway - this picture (courtesy of Catriona MacMillan) shows salmon nets drying below the Ferry Stores in the 1960s.

When the Fisheries' equipment was sold off, Dochie bought nets and a coble - a salmon fishing boat - while Donald Houston of Ardnamurchan Estate acquired the salmon fishing rights round this coast. For the last few years, Dochie has been the only remaining fisherman catching salmon the traditional way, using nets fixed to the shore. During the short season Dochie must check his nets twice a day, five days a week - there is no fishing on Saturday and Sunday. The photo below shows him going out in the coble, with the Sound of Mull and the entrance to Loch Sunart behind him.
When he worked for Fascadale Fisheries it was not uncommon to land 35 salmon in a single haul. In the whole of 2008 Dochie landed two whole salmon, in 2009 eight, as well as others which the seals had eaten. There are very few wild salmon left, but those that do return from their long migration are mercilessly harried by the local seal population. And the seals are clever: they've learned how to break into Dochie's net, where the salmon are at their mercy.
The salmon he lands go the Estate, who send them away to be thinly sliced, smoked, and despatched to the finest restaurants in London. But the declining population, the depredations of the seals, and the sheer hard work required mean that this is another centuries-old Highland industry which cannot survive.
Many thanks to Sue and Dochie for the story. More vintage photos in the WAVP collection here.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Mary's Story
Mary was born in 1928, so her recollections go back to the early 1930s. Along with her brother and sisters, she attended Kilchoan Public School, as it was then called. She left without the opportunity of a full secondary education - in those days, going to secondary school was expensive for the parents, and the students had to travel to the High School in Oban, where they boarded for the term. So when Mary left school she worked in the village.
The family home was this house, Port Beag, on the Ormsaigbeg road. Mary's memories include details of how the croft was worked, the people who lived in the township, and daily life around the village.
The booklet, profits from which go to Kilchoan Community Centre, is on sale at the Lighthouse, the Ferry Stores and the Community Centre, priced at about £2.00.
Wednesday, 21 July 2010
Recycling with a View
The centre is run by Davie Ferguson. He deals on-site with paper, cardboard, newspapers, packaging such as tetrapaks, cans, scrap metal, household furnishings, electrical goods, batteries, white goods such as washing machines and fridges, used oil, paint and, at the facility by the fire station, bottles and clothing. In fact, Davie deals with just about everything except builders' rubble and plastic - and he'd like to take plastic but Highland Council, at present, can't cope with it.
The blue plastic boxes which, with the help of Alayne and Gillespie Cameron, are collected weekly door-to-door from all over West Ardnamurchan, are sorted, the contents packaged, and then Davie takes it to Claggan, by Fort William. All Kilchoan's recycled material is weighed there before being moved on to Perth, while the contents of the black bin bags are compacted and removed by lorry. Davie says that Kilchoan does extremely well in the proportion of waste it manages to recycle.
Electrical goods such as computers, televisions, video and DVD players go quite separately in this container and are broken up for recycling.
The Centre is open to the public every Wednesday from 12 midday to 1.00pm. Full details here.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
West Ardnamurchan Show....
...and Sports - this Friday.
The bar opens at 11.00am and stays open into the evening. Teas, coffee, sandwiches and other refreshments will also be available throughout the day.
The Sports start at 1.00pm, featuring the famous hill race, Junior Sports, and Junior and Senior heavy events, while further entertainment comes from a bouncy castle, pipe and drum displays, beat-the-goalie, tug-o'-war, horticultural and baking competitions, stalls, and a pet parade.
Controversially but bravely, the organising committee have replaced the evening Dance with a 4.00pm Barbeque, at which local venison and seafood will be served. The hope is that this will encourage everyone to stay on after the prize-giving, and strengthen the idea that this is both a wonderful opportunity to meet old friends and a thoroughly enjoyable family day.
See you there!
Monday, 19 July 2010
Kilchoan Fc V Coll FC - Full Report
Kilchoan FC travelled to Coll on Saturday to fulfil a promise to play an away match after last year's fixture in Kilchoan. The weather leading up to the game was dreadful but thankfully it cleared enough for the voyage to go ahead.
Tobermory based Sealife Surveys provided the transport for our party of 49 who braved the choppy 2 hour morning crossing from Kilchoan to Aringour. Sunshine broke through the clouds as we stepped ashore, and we had our resident piper, David Doherty, leading our ranks down the main road to the Coll Hotel. The home side had kindly organised minibuses to take us the 3 miles to Cliad Park where the game was to take place.
Tobermory based Sealife Surveys provided the transport for our party of 49 who braved the choppy 2 hour morning crossing from Kilchoan to Aringour. Sunshine broke through the clouds as we stepped ashore, and we had our resident piper, David Doherty, leading our ranks down the main road to the Coll Hotel. The home side had kindly organised minibuses to take us the 3 miles to Cliad Park where the game was to take place.

All in all we had a great day and there are some people whom we have to thank. Thanks to James and Richard Fairbairns and their staff at Sealife Surveys for escorting us all safely to Coll and back. Thanks to the staff at the Coll Hotel and Cliff at the Kilchoan House Hotel for putting on food and for their great hospitality; and finally a huge thanks to the Coll boys for organising the minibuses. We look forward to returning the favour when they come over to Kilchoan next summer for the next fixture.
Iain MacDonald
Sunday, 18 July 2010
Ships in the Sound
Saturday, 17 July 2010
Kilchoan Wins World Cup!
Kilchoan beat Coll 1-0. A Coll goal was disallowed.
Well done Kilchoan!
University Grant Doubled!
In an age of savage financial cut-backs, the University of Kilchoan has just been handed a huge accolade - a doubling of its grant to support its work in West Ardnamurchan.
Pat Glenday, the University's Vice Principal, said, "I submitted a similar bid to Highland Council last year, and we were given £1,500. This year we've been allocated £3,000. It's this money that lets me cut the cost of courses like keeping hens, bike maintenance, beekeeping, and street dance. The fact that I've secured a bit more this year should let me bring in top tutors from within and outside the area, as well as hopefully allowing me to do something about helping out with childcare for parents who want to attend the classes."
Pat's success has largely come from tailoring courses to the needs of the wider community, and through her efforts to consult with her potential students before arranging courses. She is hoping to distribute a flyer round all the houses in the local area in early August detailing courses that are scheduled, and asking for more ideas.
Asked about her new Mini Cooper, Pat commented, "New? I've only had it a few days and it's already pretty battered! A lamb took a dislike to it and put three dents in the driver's door. Perhaps it was something to do with our recent butchery course."
Contact Pat here.
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