Thursday, 19 September 2013

Yellow Goo

We found this amongst grass and heather tussocks on marshy land to the south of the lighthouse.  It was semi-liquid and slightly sticky.  Although we searched, we didn't find any more of it, and we've never seen it before.

Can anyone identify it?


  1. I think it is Fuligo septica -Slime Mould or the horribly named Dog Vomit Fungus. We have found several patches of it here on Mull in the last week.

  2. Looks like something or someone had a tummy bug

  3. I agree..Fuligo septica.

  4. Many thanks for the identification. What was so odd was that it was all by itself, and we've not seen anything like it elsewhere. And, yes, Sue, the thought did pass through our minds. Jon

  5. Hi Jon, just back from a few days away so didn't catch your article until now. I saw this "vomit" in Portuairk a couple of weeks ago together with a whitish one. This is the first year that I've noticed it.
    Cheers, Jim
