Tuesday 15 October 2013


With AuroraWatch giving us plenty of warning of an event last night, we were ready when, around 10.30pm, Ewan Miles sent a text from Mull saying that the northern lights were visible.  A group of us gathered at the Cairn, where the Kilmory road branches off from the B8007, but were frustrated by cloud - the thicker sort which blocked everything, and a higher, thinner layer which was backlit by what was probably a very impressive aurora.

Despite this, the Diary's first photographs of a real aurora were taken.

At 4.30am Ewan was in touch again, saying that the sky was clear and the aurora coming and going - but it was going rather than coming by the time the Diary reached a vantage point at Sanna.  Despite this, the aurora could be seen, low on the northern horizon.

Although the events of last night were a little disappointing, at least the camera produced some results, though they had to be enhanced for any real effect to be seen.

Ewan, who is a wildlife ranger on Mull, keeps a blog here.

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