Thursday 15 January 2015

An Otter's Lunch

When we first saw this otter enjoying his lunch on the rocks near Lochan nan Al, just along from the Ferry Stores, he already had one black-backed seagull queuing up for a share of the large fish he had caught.

The gull was shortly joined by a second, and they both seemed quite willing to wait patiently for any leftovers, but....

....when a hooded crow arrived he first saw off the two seagulls, then....

....after he was joined by his mate, began to move in on the otter with the intention of stealing his meal.

Not that the seagulls had given up.  They were waiting patiently to one side as the bolder of the two hoodies began stealing chunks of fish.

This was too much for the otter who, taking his lunch firmly in his jaws, slid off the rock and found another rock on which to enjoy his meal in peace.  However, he hadn't realised that....

....the rock he'd chosen wasn't quite what he was looking for.

After he'd emerged from the wave, the otter, still holding grimly on to his fish, dived back into the sea, and disappeared - probably to find somewhere that offered a bit more peace and quiet.

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