Monday, 11 April 2011

New Dog Arrives in Village

Rumour has it - and those of you who read The Diary regularly know how seriously such rumours should be taken - that a new dog has moved in to one of the cottages at the eastern end of the village. The latest news is that it has already bitten one person.

Anyone moving along the road towards the entrance to the Mingary estate turn is advised to keep in their cars.

Many thanks to Tobyotter on Flickr for the picture, here.


  1. we used to enjoy a walk down to the castle but we won't venture thar way anymore.

  2. Is this a spoof, or for real?? It would be nice to know, in case I am walking in that area!

  3. The Diary is as anxious as others to find out the truth behind this rumour. Exhaustive investigations are in progress. Will report as soon as possible.

  4. I don't think people have cause to worry unless the pooch escapes from it's owners handbag...
