Thursday, 30 June 2011
Picture of the Day
Snakes Again
The photo shows the python dead, having become caught in an electric fence on its way out - and you know what that lump in its body is.
Many thanks to Jane Brown for story & picture.
Potato Problems
Potatoes have been a staple of the Highland diet for generations, and the failure of the potato crop, particularly in 1846, and the resulting famine was one of the causes of the great Scottish migrations out of the country to places like Canada, New Zealand and Australia. At that time, the scourge of the potato was 'blight', a fungus which thrives in warm, wet conditions. Its spores, bourn by the wind, can travel miles, and, once the plant is infected, there is no cure, the resulting tubers being either rotten or so damaged that they will rot if stored.
We consulted the top experts in the village, hoping against hope that what our precious spuds had was some mild, easily cured ailment - but no such luck: we have blight. We have been advised to strip away all the infected foliage and burn it. As a result, we won't be harvesting much of a crop. And, to make matters worse, our tomatoes, a plant which is related to the potato, are also looking sick.
Little wonder, then, that our local crofters have almost given up growing potatoes. The last field in Ormsaigbeg to be put down to the crop was afflicted by blight, the 'golden wonder' variety suffering the worst. There are varieties which are disease-resistant: if we try again next year, we'll have to be sure we buy the right seed potatoes.
Wednesday, 29 June 2011
Adders aren't common around here, but the local people who see them most are those who do grass cutting. The Diary has only seen one in fifteen years, and it was a young adder squashed flat on the road. Yet the townships of Ormsaigmore and Ormsaigbeg are named after them, ormr being snake in Norse, and vik being bay.
Adders are poisonous though the bite is rarely dangerous, causing more anxiety than anything else. Nevertheless, if someone is bitten, medical help should be sought because, as well as the effects of the bite - swelling around the bite, pain, nausea, dizziness and fainting - the danger of anaphylaxis requires immediate action. The site here gives advice on what to do in the event of a bite.
Co-incidentally, an East African friend has just sent this picture of a python hunt: it puts things into perspective.

Many thanks to Pat Glenday for the adder picture.
Shop Girl's Qualification
Tuesday, 28 June 2011
Orchids - 2
The Heath Spotted seems to be the most common orchids in this area. It is found along the roadsides in Kilchoan and Ormsaigbeg, in the croft fields, and across much of the lower-lying moorland of West Ardnamurchan - the first orchids we found this year, in early May, were Heath Spotteds, to the south of Grigadale around Lochan Caorach - post here.
The fourth local species is the Fragrant Orchid, Gymnadenia conopsea. The flowers are rich pink, more spread out in the head, and characterised by long 'spurs' - spines behind the flower - and prominent side petals, like wings (see the bottom picture in this post for a close-up). They are also, as the name suggests, fragrant: if you see someone with their nose in the grass and their bottom in the air, they're probably enjoying the delicate scent of a Fragrant Orchid.
The problem for laymen such as The Diary is that these orchids readily hybridise, so there appears to be a complete spectrum across the species. For example, plants with the the most impressive magenta columns are often Northern-Common crosses.
While the species are supposed to favour slightly different conditions, there is no discernable pattern around here. The plants occur in groups, often widely separated, so one hillside may have nothing but Northern Marsh, while another half a mile away is crowded with Heath Spotted. The main, controlling factors seem to be cover, sheep, cutting and height. Few orchids survive under a thick over-cover such as bracken or heather, though some are to be found along the edges of bracken stands where there is some light. They do not appear in fields intensively grazed by sheep, nor where mowing takes place, nor high on the hills. Their favourite places are old farmland which is slightly damp, with short, uncropped grass and no cover; they seem to survive well on very thin soil.
Orchids, like all wildflowers, are protected, so they should not be disturbed. Unfortunately for those of us who would love to have them in the garden, they are very difficult to propagate. Although each plant can produce many seeds, these have insufficient nutrients to survive: each seed must develop a symbiotic relationship with a fungus which provides the food they need.
The excellent site, West Highland Flora, here, lists no less than twenty local orchid species. Perhaps, by the end of next June's flowering, The Diary will have found some more.
Monday, 27 June 2011
Scallop dredging raises some quite strong feelings as the dredges do considerable damage to sea floor ecology. It's also a dangerous occupation: the Aquila, which sank with all hands off the north coast of Ardnamurchan back in July 2009, was dredging at the time she went down.
Sunday, 26 June 2011
Happiness is a Drop of Sunshine
There are some advantages with this sort of weather. Certain people at this time of year need an excuse to spend hours indoors in front of the TV watching people bash a small white ball around a London lawn. It's a general rule that, if it's wet in western Scotland, then it's sunny in the southeast of England, so the tennis hasn't had any delays and they can stay indoors with a clear conscience.
For some people, the ones who have come up here to have a holiday under canvas, there probably isn't the option of the box, and this sort of weather can be a bit of a misery. But most know what to expect coming up here, have packed some good rainwear, and go off into the hills whatever the weather.
For others, this weather is luxury. The small toad which is resident in our back garden has a great selection of slugs to keep him happy.
Top picture shows St Congan's Church with the summit of Glas Bheinn smothered in cloud. The stream on the hill's flanks only runs after prolonged and heavy rainfall.
Saturday, 25 June 2011
Aerial Arguments
It's evident that the local small birds don't like this weather at all, so there are many more of them at the bird feeders looking for an easy meal, which leads to a little overcrowding.
There is some tolerance. Normally, a blue tit and a siskin wouldn't be seen dead together on the same peanut dispenser, but these two shared it for some time before they fell out - literally, as they were so intent on scrapping that they fell off the feeder, leaving a space which was immediately seized by another siskin.
Queues built up at some of the feeding stations - here, a chaffinch on the right thinks better of trying to push a young goldfinch off his feeder, while, on the left, a siskin makes an aggressive bid to displace another goldfinch.
Things are crowded in part because there are so many young birds around. In the garden we currently have the young of blackbirds, siskins, goldfinches, chaffinches, blue tits, sparrows, dunnocks and robins, one of which is pictured. In fine weather they spread out across the countryside. If this weather continues, we'll run out of peanuts.
Friday, 24 June 2011
Picture of the Day
It's a Rabbit's Life
He had probably heard that there are some really first class carrots for sale in the shop at the moment, produced by the Community Garden (website here), which is currently supplying the Stores with a lot of good-looking vegetables.
We rarely see evidence of rabbits beyond the boundaries of the townships, even when we've been up in the hills looking for tracks in the snow. This is probably because the grass isn't maintained at a suitable length for them - and, of course, there are no shops up there.
Thursday, 23 June 2011
Contrasting Technologies
Sadly, on the day The Diary took her picture, she had broken down. For a 60-year old, this is to be expected - The Diary has the same problem quite frequently - but she was quickly repaired where she stood in the field.
The Diary wonders if the John Deere will still be going in 60 years time.
Wednesday, 22 June 2011
Orchids - 1
Mid to late June sees the flowering of four species of orchid around Kilchoan. The most noticeable, on account of its stunning magenta colour, is the Northern Marsh Orchid, Dactylorhiza purpurella (above). The first one appeared in the grass verge near the gate of Meall mo Chridh but more flowered later along the roadsides in Kilchoan itself - many of which, sadly, have since been mown down by the Council - in fields above the road in Ormsaigbeg and between The Ferry Stores and the slipway. As well as the distinctive colour, it is characterised by broad green leaves, a compact head, and a diamond-shaped lower lip to the flower.
The the flowers of the Common Spotted Orchid, Dactylorhiza fuchsii, appear in pale lilacs through to whites, with darker spots in a variety of patterns and shades. The lower lip of the flower has three prominent, pointed lobes, and the leaves are often but not always spotted, the spots being broad across the leaf (see picture below). It is in this species that impressively high cylindrical flower heads can be found. While its name suggests it should be the most plentiful, it doesn't appear to be: the few good examples this year have been found in the croft fields of Ormsaigbeg.
Tuesday, 21 June 2011
Birds Along the Shore
Midsummer's Day
Monday, 20 June 2011
Gem of an Apartment to Let
Pat is the first person in the village to promote her property through a video, which she commissioned and in which she herself stars. It took no little courage on her part, but The Diary thinks she's done herself and her property credit. Well done Pat!
Midsummer's Evening
Sunday, 19 June 2011
Lochan Druim na Claise
Leaving the car on the Lighthouse road at NM423669, we passed through a gate into the wild country to the south of the Lighthouse. It's extremely hard walking, through long grass, marsh and over rocky ridges. Much to our surprise, tucked into a small valley, we came across evidence of human habitation, what might have been a small house, pictured, along with dry stone walls and a byre. This might have been a summer sheiling, but it might have been a place where someone lived permanently, a lonely spot cut off from the world.
Due to a slight navigational error by The Diary, we drifted west, reaching the high ridges that run along this coastline below Garbhlach Mhor, NM428653. We then followed the ridge southeastwards, climbing until we reached a well-built cairn from where he had wonderful, 360-degree views, southwest towards Coll, Tiree, Mull and the Treshnish Islands, and north towards Ardnamurchan Lighthouse, Bay McNeil with its white beaches, and, at the right, Grigadale farm; beyond, in the distance, is the Isle of Eigg.
We stopped for lunch a few metres further along the ridge, propping ourselves against the concrete pillar of the trig point at NM423645. On one side the slope fell almost vertically into the Sound, so we looked straight down on passing yachts, on the other it dropped steeply to the lochan.
In all, we covered some six kilometres, our only company being wheatears, a marsh warbler, pipets, seagulls, hooded crows and a ewe with twin lambs near the trig point.
A map of the walk area is here.
Saturday, 18 June 2011
It's Silage Time!
With the weather fine, this field along Ormsaigbeg was cut and turned on Thursday....
Despite the weather during May and June, it doesn't look like being a bad silage harvest this year.
Strontian Mod
From Morven MacPhail
Yesterday's Mod, which took place in Strontian, was a competition in Gaelic singing and recitation involving individual entries and six schools spread across Mull, Morvern and Ardnamurchan. The children at Kilchoan, which must be the smallest of the schools, did remarkably well.
The Kilchoan School choir, which consists of all twelve children in the school, won second position out of four on their first entry in the Mod, receiving the highest points for their Gaelic - scoring 91 for Gaelic and 87 for music - just one point behind first placed Salen School on Mull. This is a massive achievement and the first time Kilchoan has had a choir in some years.
Hannah Hunter won first in her solo singing class, Innes Ferguson, the only boy in his solo singing class, came first with high praises for his rhythm, Kirstyn Rowantree was first with her poetry recitation out of a class of six, while Katie Cameron got first for poetry. Mhairi MacKenzie also sang solo with her own choice and was fourth out of seven.
They all did very well and have had a fantastic week between this and the inter-school sports.
A big thank you must go to Moira Fisher and Janet Campbell who have been working with the children on the run up to this event. It's the silverware next year!
[Hoping for photos to follow]
Friday, 17 June 2011
Picture of the Day
To quote Alasdair - "All this happened before a rib came flying past me." Oh dear!
Despite this, he also comments, "Not a bad day at the office."
Many thanks to Titch and Morven for photos and story.
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