A pair of shelduck have been raising a family just below
Caistel Dubh nan Cliar along the Ormsaigbeg shore. When we kayaked passed them the other day we were amazed at how fast the young had grown - but there were four young then, and this morning there were only three. A buzzard has been very active in the area. We've noticed him being 'seen off' by....

....the oystercatchers who live near the shelduck. This morning the oystercatchers were joined by a pair of seagulls, forcing the buzzard to make a very hasty retreat.

This sandpiper must have a nest somewhere near where we store the kayaks as he became extremely agitated when we were getting them out, standing on top of a dry stone wall and twittering until we were well clear.

Meanwhile, old man heron has been fishing in
Lochan na Nal, by The Ferry Stores. He's sharing this salt lochan with a family of mallard, the ducklings still very small. Herons are quite willing to take small birds so it must be an uneasy relationship.
Hope I get the comment posted before Ricky gets to it: seagulls don't exist! Ricky - your call as to whether it was Herring, Common, Black Headed, Lesser or Greater Black Backed.
ReplyDeleteI need to get out more.
Chris G
Chris - I stand corrected.
ReplyDeleteMust brush up on my s*****l species, but think it was common - certainly their behaviour was very common indeed.
Talking of birds, did you hear that there was a Roller on Mull last week? A taste of southern Europe birdlife!
ReplyDeleteMouse over to http://birdblog.merseyblogs.co.uk/archives/2011/06/roller-on-mull.html#more
to see a picture.
The Saltings
Pleased to be able to report that the fourth duckling was with the family today.