Sunday 17 March 2013

Watch an Aurora Coming

Tonight is forecast to be very good for those dedicated to looking out for the northern lights.  AuroraWatch already has an amber warning, but this aurora forecast (at just on 5.00pm) is taken from the Ovation site, here.  It updates every 30 seconds, so you can see the aurora coming - on the map, if not in the skies, as it's cloudy here.


  1. Thanks I've added that to my favourites, although we don't have much chance seeing this from East Yorkshire. However, a very good forecast will see us heading for the nearest hills facing north!

  2. overcast down in Cumbria...hope you get some breaks up there Jon! :)

  3. I was out watching earlier in W. Sheffield and saw a reddish smudge through thin cloud at the time of the last Aurorawatch amber alert. Definitely worth persevering over the next two days.

  4. Plenty of light in the northern sky around 9 and 10 last night, but it didn't develop into anything before the cloud arrived. I was up twice during the early hours but, again, little seemed to be happening and there was a lot of cloud. We'll keep looking.
