All households yesterday received a circular from NHS Highland and the Scottish Ambulance Service outlining the 'model' for the nursing service which we will be receiving as from February. It is a frightening document because it demonstrates how out-of-touch with reality they appear to be.
If we do not, as a community, act decisively,
now, then the lights will be going out in Kilchoan Medical Centre. Please see today's post on the 'West Ardnamurchan News & Information' site,
All households apart from the McEwens,who ,though having lived here for eight years do not exist. The four letters delivered in the past from John Haylett,Rosemary Curtiss,NHS,and NHS again we have never received. We are only aware of them from being informed from Mac's acquaintances.While I am of no importance whatsoever,I think it is unkind to ignore Mac who attends all the meetings. Iris McEwen
ReplyDeleteHi Iris -
ReplyDeleteYou're not the only one who hasn't received the NHS letters. I'm not sure which letter of mine or Rosemary's you're referring to as I don't think we've ever circulated anything on paper other than via newspapers to those people we know are not on the internet and therefore don't have access to the WANI and Diary. However, if you ever have a problem again, my email address is on The Diary.
I think Iris is referring to the letter which was circulated advising that the SAS and NHS Highland open day was boycotted.
ReplyDeleteOMG, nit picking
ReplyDeleteOn a point of fact - we never said anything about the NHSH/SAS day being boycotted. All we said was that we didn't think they were coming with any new ideas, something they haven't done in over a year.
ReplyDeleteThere are quite a few households who did not receive either circular from NHS/SAS. We have a big postbox beside the road outside our gate, clearly marked in letters almost 6 inches high with the name of our house. Yet we've received nothing from the NHS/SAS; neither before the meeting on 6th Dec, nor earlier this week.
ReplyDeleteThis is not very encouraging. If SAS personnel -who distributed the leaflets on both occasions- can't find our houses in broad daylight and no great hurry, what hope do we have that they will be able to do so in an emergency, maybe after dark?
Is mac,s wife not call jancie?
ReplyDeleteO here good one