Friday 30 December 2016

The Eilagadale Mill

Derryck Morton was intrigued by the neat rectangular hole seen in this picture of one of the abandoned houses at Eilagadale - see post here - and wondered whether it might be the place where a mill shaft passed into the building, so....

....he spent a few minutes recreating it. Derryck writes, "I had a bit of fun cutting and pasting an impression of what the mill might have looked like with a long-reach shaft. It would allow for the fall of the land to naturally facilitate a wheel without the need for a wheel pit (difficult to dig into the rocky hill). Wooden posts would leave little evidence and the tail race would grow over pretty quickly after abandonment."

Many thanks, Derryck. Looks like we'll have to take a look at Eilagadale!


  1. A brilliant re-imagining.
    I have long thought that while we spend all this money and effort on solar panels and wind turbines we spend so little effort on small scale hydro which only needs gravity and rain which can both be plentiful in your wonderful region.

  2. A brilliant re-imagining, I have long thought that while we are putting up solar panels and erecting windmills we are not making use of small scale hydro schemes which are using just gravity and rain (not too scarce really).

  3. As ever your posts are very Educational on the Historical Buildings of the Ardnamurchan Peninsular. The Mill is most interesting.

  4. Ditto to this above - history, natural history, weather and all else that we turn to with relish each evening. Many thanks and very best wishes for the year to come.

    (We tried to send a seasonal thanks and best wishes along these lines to add to those that came around Christmas, but, for some error this end, failed to get the post to send. So, second attempt, but no reply needed.) RB/LB.

  5. Small scale hydro is being exploited all across Lochaber. Over the past 5 years, within 40 miles of Kilchoan, at least 10 projects have been completed. Several more, including a couple of community owned ones are approved and now under construction.

  6. Excellent news Anon, that is just the sort story I was hoping for.
