Kilchoan Fire Brigade were called out this morning at about 10.15 to attend a chimney fire at a cottage in the centre of the village. On arrival at the scene, their first task was to attach hoses to the nearest fire hydrant.

By this time the fire had a firm hold, and the chimney stack was radiating heat....

....so, as soon as the water was on, the outside of the chimney was cooled.

Then ladders were erected to gain direct access to the chimney itself....

....so that water could be sprayed down it to quench the fire.

Dave Curtis, the senior fire officer at Kilchoan station, is seen here briefing his team.

By eleven o'clock the fire was under control, but it was estimated the brigade would have to continue to attend the scene for at least another half-hour.
This story reminds me of when my cousin was a retained fire fighter in North Yorkshire and attended a chimney fire. They must have followed the same routine as your team, but made one crucial error by putting their hose down the wrong chimney stack and flooding out the house next door. I have visions of some poor person minding their own business watching t.v. when WHOOSH! So well done to the Kilchoan team for choosing the correct chimney stack to dowse.