Wednesday 31 October 2012

First Winter Snow

Around midday we suddenly noticed that the hills down the Sound of Mull had collected their first snow of the winter.  The wind, having started the day warm from the southwest, had swung into the northwest and, within hours, the temperature had dropped significantly.

Two hours later, with what looked like a hail shower moving down the Sound, the snow had almost disappeared from the tops.  But the change of season into something that definitely resembles winter hadn't deterred a lone yachtsman who can just be seen hurrying south.

It's interesting weather, with bulky cumulus clouds moving across skies which, for reasons that are difficult to explain, seem so much bigger.  They remind us of the huge 'continental' skies we've seen over the prairies of North America and the great savanna lands of Africa.

Oh - and, no, that isn't a small pod of Orcas moving towards Kilchoan Bay, it's our daughter and son-in-law taking another evening swim.  We fear they may secretly be in training for the swim an acquaintance of theirs has just done, across the Corrievreckan.

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