Wednesday, 30 November 2011
Chimney Fire
Tuesday, 29 November 2011
"Back of the Ben"
Visitors know it, as one of its lay bys offers a superlative view down the valley of the Achateny Water to the inner islands. Not today. Today, when The Diary had the pleasure of having to drive to Acharacle, we are enjoying truly Scottish weather: rain, mists, and a pervasive dampness, as a nice change from rain, mists and gales.
A map of the area is here.
A Memory of Summer
Sun, a gentle breeze, blue sky, cumulus clouds.
Sanna Point with Muck and the high hills of Rhum behind.
Monday, 28 November 2011
Small Bird Report
Needless to say, we 'enjoy' the usual plethora of chaffinches, but the house sparrows, which seemed to be doing so well in the summer, have suffered, so we're left with a hardy few squabbling with the chaffinches for a chance at the seed.

By late autumn there were plenty of goldfinches in the fields feeding at the thistle seeds, but these have largely disappeared - yet none have switched their attention, as they usually do, to the peanut feeders. Greenfinches also seemed to be doing better this summer, but we now only see them occasionally.
But there are some serious absences. We haven't seen a siskin in ages and, while we saw one very briefly, we've lost our coal tits. The only addition we have to our menagerie is a pair of collared doves, who aren't too welcome as they have a huge appetite compare, say, to a humble dunnock.
While a marauding sparrow hawk may be partly to blame for the situation, the serious fall in numbers seemed to coincide with the prolonged wet weather during the later part of September and the whole of October. Now that we are sitting in a run of westerlies, and with significant rainfall amounts again - yesterday was a pleasant exception - the outlook for our small birds isn't too rosy.
Sunday, 27 November 2011
Sidhean Mhor
As we made our way back to the car it began to rain, a few, almost horizontal droplets chasing us on our way. The forecast for the next few days is pretty grim, yet a friend who is up from Cambridge tells us they are suffering such drought conditions that their water supply may have to be rationed by Christmas.
A map of the area is here.
Saturday, 26 November 2011
Another Mass Murder

The Diary sincerely hopes that this hen wasn't one of those that lost her life last night.
These are the family's chickens, which were always to be seen pecking around the barn. Commiserations to Hughie and Sharon.
Two Parties
From Jacqui Chapple

There were refreshments and nibbles and the opportunity to view and buy some beautiful pieces of art as well as local crafts.
The event saw a steady stream of visitors throughout the day and as well as some smaller items, three paintings were sold – two by local artist, Hazel McLeod.
The gallery, which will now be open every day between 12pm and 3pm, features artwork by a number of local artists including Ron Leckie, Bill Loughray, Stephen French and of course, Hazel. There are also prints and cards by Maureen Minchin and ceramic tiles by Helen Michie. In addition, visitors to the Gallery will find soaps and scented items, crafts, jewellery and homemade preserves – all prefect gifts for Christmas.
The Community Garden Harvest feast took place at the Sonachan on Saturday 12th November. With nearly sixty guests, the night was a huge success and raised a fantastic £775 for the Community Garden. This should help with running costs and repairs over the coming year.
Jacqui Chapple came up with the idea and Saturday morning saw around ten volunteers and a wheelbarrow of freshly dug garden produce appear in the Sonachan kitchen. There followed a very lively and productive day with lots of laughs and banter and before the workers knew it, it was time for the guests to arrive. Whilst the volunteers made themselves beautiful for the evening, Helen, Sheen and Claire got all the food organised and into the hot cupboards ready for service. Bruce Chapple was the 'Fear an Taigh' or ‘Man of the House’ - he lit all the candles, kissed all the ladies as they arrived and ushered the men to the bar. And after the meal, he and Roddy from Tobermory gave the guests a few tunes ......they raised the roof with their Beatles numbers and got a good sing along going. Innes sold raffle tickets throughout the evening and later, Rich took over as DJ for the late night dancing. There were some very interesting dance moves from all ages and we imagine some rather delicate heads on Sunday morning!
A huge well done and many thanks to all the volunteers, Anna, Kirsty, Katie, Peggy, Sheen, Innes, Claire, Trevor, Bill, Rich, Bruce and Roddy and thanks also to Liz for lovely cheesecake, Joyce for meringues, Janet for her apple cakes and Jamie for his fruit syllabub. Also a very big thank you should go to Helen and everyone at the Sonachan for all their help and use of facilities on the day... and finally a very big thank you to everyone that came along, bought a ticket and supported this wonderful event.
Many thanks to Jacqui for words and pictures.
Friday, 25 November 2011
Questions in Parliament
A full transcript of the questions asked in Parliament yesterday is on the West Ardnamurchan News site, here. Many thanks indeed to our MSPs for raising our case with Nicola Sturgeon.
A House in Portuairk
One enterprising local resident has commissioned a video to give visitors a taste of life in this beautiful, unspoilt place. The cottage concerned is at the right, centre of the photo above - click on the picture and the house is circled. To watch the video, click here.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Questions in Parliament
Great news in the Nurses' campaign on the West Ardnamurchan News website - here.
November Gale
Wednesday, 23 November 2011
Squat Lobsters
Go to Wikipedia, here, a see the huge number of varieties of this animal.
Many thanks to 'Kilchoan Early Bird' for pictures and information.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011
A Short Walk
It has been a perfect day here, with a fresh southwesterly wind but some warm late autumn sunshine. As we climbed the hill we saw an eagle high above Beinn na Seilg, the second eagle we've seen today, a smaller raptor which was very likely a kestrel, and our steps put up a woodcock which flew away with its characteristic fast, low, zig-zag flight.
The picture shows Cruachan, a recently-renovated croft house.
Nurses - Report on Last Night's Public Meeting
There's a report on last night's public meeting on the West Ardnamurchan News, here.
Monday, 21 November 2011
Viking Boat Burial - Latest News
The Daily Telegraph - here.
STV - here.
Associated Press - here.
...and it even got onto CBS News, briefly, here.
The Ardnamurchan Transitions Project, the grouping of archaeologists and students who have been working on the north coast for the last six summers, has a new website which has lots of information about their projects, including the boat burial. It's here.
Some of the archaeologists are hoping to return to the area in January, and have promised to spend an evening at the Kilchoan Community Centre describing the Viking boat burial in detail. From the start of their work, they have been keen to involve the community in everything they've done, so it will be an opportunity for us to make an input into their plans for the site.
West Ardnamurchan News
The Sound of Mull, 9.17 this morning.
Sunday, 20 November 2011
It's Tupping Time
The one above is is a fine Blackface tup, surveying his kingdom from the top of a knoll in Ormsaigbeg. The Blackface is a wonderfully hardy animal, well suited to our sunny local environment. They even have their own Association on the internet - here.
For anyone who's interested in the huge range of breeds of sheep kept in Britain, the site here offers a real education. The Diary had no idea there were so many!
Saturday, 19 November 2011
Above Camas nan Geall - 3
This is the red deer rutting season. We saw a number of stags, some of them in small bachelor groups like this one...,
....but others in proud possession of a harem. They were always well aware of us long before we neared them, standing to watch us for a few moments before moving off. Rightly or wrongly, we are wary of stags at this time of year.
All our walk was on Ardnamurchan Estate land. The Estate has no problem with walkers who follow the country code, even though this is the stag stalking season and there is some risk that they will disturb a target. Those of us who are keen walkers appreciate their generosity. The Estate offers some beautiful self catering cottages, here.
A map of the area of this walk is here.
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