Tuesday, 12 April 2016

Mystery Ducks

Out&About sends us this picture of some ducks at Sanna, seen in the southern part of the township, some way from the nearest croft that keeps anything other than sheep and cattle. They look like mallard but they're tame. Does anyone know what they are?


  1. I live in Minnesota and we see Mallard ducks a lot - these appear larger than what we typically see here, but that may just be the picture. I'd still take my chances that these are Mallard ducks - 2 drakes and 1 hen. Ranee (USA)

  2. If they are wild (ish) they are likely mallards. They will get incredibly tame in parks when people will feed them. The other possibility is Rouen (sp?) They look just like a Mallard except larger. They are a domesticated breed.

  3. Many thanks for the helpful comments. Jon

  4. http://www.backyardchickens.com/t/225395/difference-between-rouen-and-mallard

  5. Yes they are indeed Mallards. Very well fed ones at that. We had six when we arrived 12 years ago, rescued from the local duck shoot. Now we have around 20, although numbers have been as high as 30 depending on the weather and the resident mink population. At this time of year they wander far & wide to nest. Very early this year.They usually do not return until they can bring their ducklings with them. Sadly we have lost 2 this week, one to a fox, one to a mink. Traps are out.
