Wednesday, 6 January 2016

More Sunset Pictures

Last evening's sunset was so spectacular that many were taking out their cameras to capture the colours. These pictures come from Ritchie Dinnes, taken at Ardnamurchan Point lighthouse looking towards the north. The island to the right is Eigg, Rum is behind the foghorn, and part of Skye is behind them.

Ritchie also captured this image which shows four of the islands to the north of us, from left to right the low-lying Canna, the hills of Rum and, in front of it, Muck, and the mountains of Skye.

Many thanks to Ritchie for the pictures.


  1. Always wonderful photos, whatever the subject, but all the sunset ones from yesterday are particularly cheering to those of us who were beginning to doubt the sun still existed after so many weeks of dark skies and never ending rain.

  2. Believe me, the moments are fleeting, but you're right, they make such a difference. Jon
