Monday, 13 May 2013

Wonders of the Night Sky

Many thanks to Ewan Miles, who is a wildlife guide for Sea Life Surveys on Mull, for allowing The Diary to publish two of his recent night pictures.  The first is of a very unusual phenomenon, a lunar rainbow.  Not only is it rare, it's also extremely difficult to photograph.

Ewan is currently on Mull, so his pictures often feature views which look across the Sound of Mull towards Ardnamurchan's south shore - the lights of Kilchoan can be seen in both these pictures.

The second shows an aurora last week.  There were some short-lived yellow warnings of geomagnetic activity from AuroraWatch, but we hadn't appreciated on this side of the water that an aurora was visible.

Ewan runs a blog at where there are more of his night photographs as well as some superb wildlife pictures.

Many thanks to Ewan Miles for the pictures


  1. Lovely shots. It looks like the rainbow's a double one. As for the aurora, is that Ardnamurchan Point lighthouse and a light on Muck too?

  2. Nice photos, would love to see a lunar rainbow. The sun has been quite active today too with two X-class flares, maybe a chance to see the aurora this week.

  3. Yes it is double and aurora was looking over the ardnamurchan peninsula. thank you :)

    Andrew yes a lot of activity so fingers crossed, although we are looking dark hours v quicky!
