Saturday, 25 May 2013


Last night's moon was a day off full, but it made a spectacular arrival at the end of a wonderfully sunny day.  Picture shows it a few minutes after it rose over Morvern.

A supermoon is described as a moon which is at or very close to its perigee, its closest point to Earth - so, presumably, it looks a bit larger than usual.  This picture is from The Raptor - for which many thanks - and there's another picture, and more details, on the EarthSky site, here.

Later, the moon stood over the Sound of Mull, bathing it in light.  That's Tobermory lighthouse in the left distance, with the cargo ship Burhou I passing.


  1. That last image is stunning!!
    Jerry Slater

  2. Hi Jerry - many thanks for your kind comment, it was one of those lucky shots which came out far better than expected. The odd thing is the blue: I don't remember the scene as being blue. Jon

  3. Nice picture, however that is not Tobermory lighthouse on the left but Rubha na Gall on the sound of Mull outwith Tobermory bay.

  4. This was the last night of our holiday and a perfect ending. I tried to get a decent photograph but none of mine did it justice. This one is just right!
