Tuesday, 13 November 2012

A Dead Sheep

A dead sheep lying out in the hills is never a pretty sight, but at least this one is doing some good by feeding the local birds.

The pictures were taken by Kilchoan Early Bird using a trail camera.  It was triggered 92 times in the first 24 hours it was out, mostly by the same three birds.  It'll be interesting to watch the sheep slowly disappear, and to see what else the camera catches.

Many thanks to Kilchoan Early Bird for the pictures.


  1. Dear Diary,
    The Blackbirds with the dark beaks are 1st calendar year juvenile birds. You are probably correct in your assumption that they may be Scandinavian/continental birds at this time of year, they often arrive just before the winter thrushes.
    We thoroughly enjoy your missives, and envy your good weather as we slog through constant rain and cold here on the edge of Dartmoor in the 'sunny' West Country!
    Rob Harrison

  2. Many thanks for this, Rob. Good to hear that you enjoy the Diary. Your weather seems to have moved here, we can't see the coast of Mull at the moment for drizzle.
