Tuesday 11 October 2011

A Damp Sanna

Sanna beach on a damp October day isn't, at first sight, the most cheerful of places to spend a few hours. Much of its white sands are covered in kelp thrown ashore during the recent bad weather, with....

....mixed in with it, a variety of flotsam, ranging from the markers for public footpaths (where did that come from?), sodden planks, and odd wellington boots, through to...

....discarded fishermen's boots (how on earth did he lose that boot?)....

....to the usual collection of used plastic bottles which, despite every legal effort to prevent rubbish being thrown overboard from ships, still finds its way ashore.

Then there are the corpses. In the picture above, the remains of one of this year's seal pups has been heavily scavenged by seagulls.

Yet, despite the low cloud and the occasional spot of rain pushed on by a nagging wind, the place remains stunningly beautiful, a grey landscape resting after the brightness of summer, bracing itself for the winter gales. Walking across the sands was a pleasure, a chance to clear the mind, an opportunity to breath lungfulls of cool, clean air - an escape marred briefly by mild irritation at finding a footprint on sand smoothed by the previous night's tide: someone else had enjoyed this emptiness before us.

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