The Kilchoan Community First Responder scheme finally went ‘live’ last weekend. Six of us are fully trained with two to follow shortly.
So from now on (as long as there are two of us available at any one time), if you dial 999 for a medical emergency such as chest pain, difficulty in breathing or because someone has collapsed or is unconscious, the ambulance service will call out the First Responder team alongside the ambulance and local nurse and/or doctor. The idea behind the scheme is that the earlier that basic life support (CPR and defibrillation) can be administered, the better the patient’s chances are of making a good recovery. This is particularly vital in remote communities such as ours, where the ambulance may be some distance away and nurse or doctor could already be out on another call.
The training is very thorough, covering the use of the defibrillator, oxygen therapy and a wide range of emergency skills. If you would like to become part of the team, there is to be a second training weekend on the 13th and 14th November. Please get in touch with Jessie or Rosie for more information.
Congratulations and thank you for taking on such a vital role.