Friday 15 October 2010

First Anniversary

'A Kilchoan Diary' is one year old today. Since it started, there have been 377 entries....

....of which one, carrying the exclusive first photographs of the Yeoman Bontrup burning at Glensanda, was read by 6,089 people.

At present, the average current daily readership is around 300, with 100 of them one-off visitors, leaving 200 who are regular visitors to the site.

Many thanks to those regular readers who have supported us. Special thanks to those who have contributed: the Diary would dearly like to have more contributions, as much from West Ardnamurchan residents as from visitors who know and love this place. If you feel able to write something, or send in a photograph, please make contact at

Pictures show Ben Hiant, the Blessed Mountain, in winter - at dawn, during daylight, at eventide, and at night.


  1. Congratulations on a truly interesting and informative blog with wonderful photographs that I enjoy every evening. If and when I get inspired and a better camera I will attempt to contribute.

  2. Happy Birthday Diary and congratulations on such a fantastic first year. Well done Jon and all contributors. Here's to many more years and thanks so much for all the regular updates.

  3. Thank you this wonderful blog, so beautifully done, which lightens many a grey London day ..... until I return to Kilchoan.

  4. Happy birthday congratulations on a wonderful blog keep it coming
    best wishes

  5. Happy Birthday! Being 650 miles from our favourite place in the world is only made bearable by your blog! Only 176 days until our next holiday there (not that we are counting).

  6. I read it every day. Unfortunately it just makes me miss Ardnamurchan more.

  7. Happy Birthday!
    A wonderful blog that I look forward to every day!
    I live in Suffolk and I am looking forward to 13 May 2011 when I shall be in my favourite ever place.
    Staying at the bothy - Rudh Dudh - for the first time instead of Keepers Cottage West - I will be very strange being a visitor at the lighthouse!
    Thank you for all the wonderful daily blogs and photographs!

  8. Great blog, really enjoy reading about and seeing pictures of such a wonderful place everyday. Was last up a month ago and I am missing the west coast.

  9. Congratulations - and thanks for all your work!

  10. Many thanks to you all for these very kind comments.

