Saturday, 29 July 2017

WACC Minutes

The minutes of last Monday's West Ardnamurchan Community Council meeting, which include discussion about BT's decision to remove the 'phone from the Kilmory box despite several objections on safety grounds, are available for download here.


  1. Noooo.......the walk to that phonebox, after our tea, is a tradition every time we stay at Fascadale!!

  2. I called Highland Council on the 27th July to ask for the consultation results to be made public - it appear, as reported in the minutes that BT ignored the consultation and the phone was removed, and the official I spoke with seemed confused as to why it had been removed, and was unaware.

    It is therefore important that if residents and visitors feel this amenity should be reinstated, that they lobby the councillors, MSP and MP to demand it is that Highland Council insist BT reinstate this under the universal service provision.

    Davy Virdee

  3. In addition to the above - I have received an update from Highland Council today 3/8/2017 and a copy of the consultation. *No objections* were logged in the consultation against the Kilmory phone, and as such BT removed the phone. This cannot be the case as myself and others logged objections. I lobbied the MSPs and MPs.

    I have contacted Highland Council with a copy of my objections, and I would encourage all interested parties to do the same via email, phone or letter.

    Additionally, I spoke with OFCOM - you can contact them to log a complaint about the removal of the phone. Call 020 7981 3040. It takes a few minutes. You need the postcode PH36 4LG.

