Monday, 9 June 2014

Old and Young

This small tortoiseshell spent some time feeding on the flowers of the mass of chives we have in the back garden.  It was sunny and warm, and he wasn't bothered about how close I held the camera.  He's an old butterfly, one that overwintered and has spent the last few weeks concentrating on producing as many young as possible.

Meanwhile, in the front garden, a comedy was being played out, with four newly-fledged goldfinches chasing harassed parents round and round the bird feeders begging to be fed.  The chicks are as large as the parents but lack the bright red faces.  They're quite capable of feeding themselves, as one of their number demonstrated, but it's far easier to sit on the wall and yell until mum or dad comes and feeds you.

1 comment:

  1. There's supposed to have been an upsurge in Goldfinch numbers in the last few years. One species that's doing very well for some reason and there are regular sightings now even in Glasgow city centre. Beautiful birds.
