Looks like we're going to enjoy lashings of Kilchoan sunshine bathing the place over the Christmas holiday. Today we're promised sunny rays pushed on by winds at force 6 gusting to force 8, tomorrow we're expecting our turkey and Christmas pudding to be helped down by something between force 8 and force 10, and Boxing Day looks like cold mince pies - the electricity is bound to be off under the sheer weight of sunshine by then - with liquid sunlight pouring past at force 7 to force 9.
Fortunately the village is, as always, well fortified with liquids of a quite different variety so probably won't care what the weather's doing outside or whether the water also goes off. The Diary, not be a great fan of anything from the New World, will be snuggling down with a couple of bottles of very naughty St Emilion. Nectar.
Lovely photo.