Sunday 14 March 2010

Signs of Spring

It's always good to see the first spring wildflowers in bloom - not counting the human-introduced ones like daffodils, snowdrops and crocuses. This lesser celandine, along with two others, was tucked into a sunny spot amidst the dead bracken on a path down to the beach.

Calmac are busy moving ferries around. Throughout the winter they have been servicing boats, so the Loch Linnhe, which usually does the Kilchoan-Tobermory run, has been away doing other runs, but a boat looking like her went down the Sound this afternoon, followed by this one, the Isle of Mull, which usually does the Craignure-Oban service.

And we've seen the first dolphins of the year, a small pod the other day and then, yesterday, a much bigger pod of smaller dolphins.


  1. Jon
    I so enjoy your blog. Thank you for sharing your observations of West Ardnamurchan.
    I have spent many happy weeks over the years on holiday staying in Keepers Cottage West at the lighthouse, my very favourite place.
    Your daily accounts of life in Klchoan and the surrounding area reflect just how I feel when I am fortunate enough to up there.
    You capture the essence of Ardnamurchan and it is a priviledge to be able to read your notes and see your photos.
    Thank you.
    I am counting the days - I am up for a week at Easter!

  2. Hi Sara -

    Many thanks for your kind comments. It's a real pleasure doing the Diary when I hear there are people who enjoy it.

