Wednesday, 25 June 2014


Yesterday was a day of discoveries - see earlier post about the Swordle bird - one of which was this weevil which appeared on the windowsill while the Diary was reading the newspaper and enjoying a glass of wine and trying not to be drawn in to watching the World Cup.  It was a good centimetre long, and one of the weirdest of beasties, having a trunk a bit like an elephant's, under which it seemed to be smoking a pipe, and strange, upturned claws on its feet.  A look through this wonderful website suggests it may be a pine weevil - which isn't good news as most of our house is made of pine, including the windowsill on which he was sitting.

It was altogether a strange day yesterday, humid and cloudy with a thick haze obscuring the horizon.  The clouds didn't bring any rain, which we're beginning to need for the garden, but today promises to be wetter.


  1. There was probably an ever bigger one somewhere nearby, this was just the lesser of two weevils!

  2. I was going to do that joke!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. We saw these regularly in Kilchoan on holiday in mid June. I hope they're healthy biodiversity not a threat to biosecurity. They seem to walk about the walls a lot and have sticky feet so we called them velcro bugs. When they fly their landing technique is to throw themselves, hard, at a wall so they stick and have time to fold their wings away.
